Sunday, April 25, 2010






Whoot! Camera is back in action and boy did it get a work out this weekend! The pics above were from a very tall man's gathering on friday night. It was a pretty gnarly night with a lot of slipping on goon, table dancing and crump off's!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

minor break

Unfortunately my lens has decided to impromptu fuck itself up and I have to pay 140 dollars for her to work again, so I won't be posting anything new on here to at least the weekend.. But do not stress because I'm going to link you to a far better blog than this one will ever be and you can loose yourself in his photographs here
Ciao for now!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

we missed sunset





This afternoon senior hickling, red leader and myself rode up to the top of our hill at the speed of light to try and capture the last of the sunset.. We failed, but I took some cool pics of them on bikes anyway! :D

Friday, April 16, 2010

asian superstores


Think about those giant asian superstores that you walk past every time from the valley station to central area that you never think twice about! Well my friends, there is a lot of glory in those shops; including cheap, fantastic quality slap bands, well-made and fitting underwear, hats of all assortments.. and those are just my top 3! If you're ever feeling in need of new shit to keep you amused at cheap prices, go check them out! That kinda just sounded like an advertisement for an adult store :S .. I really need to go to bed!





Prestons party, too late at night now to give any awesome descriptions, too long ago for anyone to really care!

it's a ladieeees night




Late last term my close knit group of girlfriends had a ladies night to celebrate friendship with what else than a bottle of cheap wine and a game of bowling down at sharkies. It was a night of many laughs and yes.. dramas, as to be expected with anything involving cheap wine and a bunch of girls. All in all, a memorable night.

goon and sing alongs



These photo's were taken on Australia day in our backyard however many months ago that was. Anyway, as you can see in the first image, we had a bit of a jam going on towards the end of the night and it was one of those moments that you just thought.. I'm never going to forget this right now. A bunch of chac students, past and present ranging from up to 4 years in between sitting around a table drinking goon and singing chac hymns. That sounds like a pretty great way to celebrate our country to me :)

caities jungle rave




These photos I took a couple of weeks ago at a friends jungle themed party, it was a great night with only one girl taken in an ambulance and a couple of drunken backyard vomits ;) all in all, just your regular teenage rave.

Thursday, April 8, 2010



I already have another blog that's about fashion and photography etc etc but I thought I'd create one for personal photo's as well, rather than just using facebook to show them all!

personal blog :
photography blog: